About Me
NOTE: This page hasn’t been updated in years. A refresh is on my backlog, in the meantime please refer to LinkedIn.
I began working in the IT field when very young, led by some unique mentors.
Having moved my first steps in this area working on ‘common’ LAMP shared/dedicated deployments, I soon started facing scaling-related challenges and landed on cloud computing when it was still considered a new technology. From the beginning, I’ve focused my efforts on moving from old-style hosting to the cloud various kinds of services (websites, apps, distributed platforms), trying to solve the number of challenges cloud computing takes with it.
My professional path began from the top of the cloud pyramid, then continued to its base: after some time spent on designing infrastructures on top of IaaS services (mainly Amazon Web Services and RackSpace Cloud), I began working in Enter on the design and the implementation of the hardware and software infrastructure that stands behind the OpenStack based public IaaS platform Enter Cloud Suite.
In Enter my main focus is the network stack, and I’m in charge of both the physical Datacenter/Geographical Enter Cloud Suite network and the related software components (Neutron / Open vSwitch / OpenFlow). I’m working with very edge technologies such as Mellanox SwitchX, Pica8 and Cumulus Linux based boxes and other OpenCompute related projects: this is also my main personal area of interest and takes a big amount of my free time.
I’ve designed and contribute to the maintenance and development of the Enter Cloud Suite based infrastructures standing behind large scale news websites, such as focus.it and ilfattoquotidiano.it, dealing everyday with components such as MariaDB with Galera Replica, Ceph FS, HaProxy, Varnish, Nginx, PHP-FPM and so on.
If you’re wondering where the common CV statements are, yes, I love working in teams and have a strong problem-solving attitude (how could you survive in the cloud without?).
Looking for more details and (probably) more up to date details? Jump on my LinkedIn Profile!